Monday, February 1, 2010

Since I can't open that petite clothing boutique...

For about 5 years now, I have fantasized about opening up a cute little petite clothing boutique where I would sell amazingly trendy and fun clothes that were designed for the shorter set. Those 'petite departments' in most department stores are such an insult. It's like they round up all the ugliest, frumpiest, cheapest-looking designs and then the buyers say, "Hey, this is PERFECT for our petite department!" It's depressing. Even my 75 year old Nana dresses in more fashionable items than what I see in there. Yet I still look everytime I'm there.

Yesterday I was walking down the street near my apartment (in a gay--i mean trendy--neighborhood) in Boston, I saw that the spot where a flower shop had been was now available for lease. For a fleeting second, my 'dream' of opening the boutique came back. But let's be honest, it's not going to happen. I'm not a designer. I don't know that many petite designers I could buy from. I don't know anything about merchandising or owning my own business.

But I do know a little about finding cool clothes that look good and fit well on a petite frame.

My stats:
Height: 5'2
Weight: hmmm was 110...probably closer to 115 now!
Age: 27

Hopefully you'll find my adventures in shopping for stuff that doesn't make me look 5 years old somewhat interesting, funny, or maybe even helpful...

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