Ah, shoe shopping. I have a love-hate relationship with it. On one hand, I do love shoes. On the other, it seems like when I'm looking for shoes, I
think I like various pair of shoes, and then when I have them up close and on my feet, I overanalyze the way they look and end up hating them.
That being said, I own way too many pairs of shoes, so I obviously seem to find plenty I DO like!
On top of the aestheics of the shoe, there's the height to consider. of course.
My preference is to wear high heels. I love the added height, the way they make my legs look, the way I walk--no, sashay--when I'm wearing them.
When it comes to flats (cause a girl can't ONLY wear high heels), I find that pointy toe flats are more flattering (pardon the pun) on a shorter body. I don't have any good insight as to why, it just seems that way! I had one pair that I thought of as my 'cheating' shoes. No, not because I cheated on tests (or guys) while wearing them, but because in my mind, it appeared as if I was wearing high heels when I wore them with jeans.
I recently bought three pairs of shoes online, each at a different height. It's only my second time ever purchasing shoes online, so we'll see how this goes. Here's what I bought:
One pair of high heels (Joan and David 2 Cape Patent Leather) that aren't even that high:

One pair of medium height wedges (Kelly&Katie Chloe Sandal):

One pair of (flat) white Keds! This is my 'kind of risky, I think it's gonna be trendy and i can picture myself wearing them with cute shorts this summer' shoe):

So now I can be whatever height I want (short, 5'2 me, slightly taller, or practically average height)!
Oh and by the way, "In the Heights" is an amazing Broadway musical. It has nothing to do with shoes, or short people.